looking out;
Saturday, June 23, 2007

i dreamt of two weird dreams. first i dreamt that i called steph overseas!!! and she couldn't watch a show with me... because she got too many things to pick up so she can't go, den i was quite sad den after that i told her that on the day she's coming back something would happen (i forgot what it is) den after she was so sad she didn't want to say anything den i just happen to have found a place at a hawker centre and wanted to sit down and eat den i told her that i got to eat talk to her later and she put down the phone without saying anything den i woke up AHHHH! scary dream

and i dreamt of something even weirder at my house void deck... den is like i think i was lying somewhere there den suddenly got wind then the leaves move around like there's a storm or something like they have spirits in them.. den from leaves it became snow and i saw santa.... den he dropped me a sotong plushy and told me that once i have gathered three i can make mines. den i know that i have already gathered three of those type of plushy so i was like gosh i can make mines. den some idiots heard me and they were like OMG you know how to make mines. tell us tell us. and when they realise need 3 den they were chasing after me and i shut myself at home. ha. weird dream gosh why do i even want to make mines. FROM PLUSHY? gosh siao le. haha


& there i was;

4:57 PM

Saturday, May 12, 2007

i had a weird dream...

i dreamt that there was this group of friends, 3 of them... they were close.. and then one day, one of the girl's parents died... murdered... the next day she went to school and met one of her gd friends and her friend hugged her and when she saw her other gd friends, she was shocked to hear that.... she was the one who murdered her parents. and yep i woke up. guess im watching saddistic shows.

& there i was;

7:13 AM

Saturday, March 24, 2007

i had too many dreams last night i only rmbed one.... well let's see.. i was at school and we were.... playing volleyball?! yah we were playing like everyone knew how to play and then suddenly, ms ying came in and just at that time, we couldn't hit the ball over, so we lost. then as ms ying came in, terence was saying "Ms Ying, it's all your fault that we lost." but Ms Ying did not bother much. haha. erm. so she put something on the projector and hmmm. i wonder why but my msn nick was on the screen. not my real one but it just happened to be mine and i had this maths sum there on my nick so ms ying did not say much but just wrote this sigma notation sign in front of it and wrote some numbers... guess it's because of the overdose of doing maths before i went to sleep. hmmm. den i have no idea how things jumped to me going back home and i was calling my dad. it was really the exact same route i usually take but the sky was.... freaking dark and gloomy so i told my dad to wait while i took out my cute umbrella which was like bigger but instead of spreading out it was more of pointing downwards so it could cover more of that person inside. yup i took out the umbrella and started walking home. and i think i was subconsciously awake so i wanted to take out my phone to put it into the draft so that i rmb what my dream was about. so i took my phone out and den i heard my sis talk. i took a look at her and i thought she must be talking in her dream. and den she started saying something else again while i continued typing. but that was when i realise... i was typing in my dream. so i woke up and then typed onto my real handphone. well. this was the dream i dreamt before i fell asleep. it took 1/2 -1 hour i guess.. because when i woke up i realise it was 1 hour after i went into my room. hmmmm. there was i think at least 2 other dreams. but i can't rmb. too bad! haha.


& there i was;

7:10 PM

Friday, March 23, 2007

i had a nightmare!!!

ok we just happend to be at the student lounge. a REAL nice student lounge. so we were playing playing den there were two little kids who came in and they were playing around. den i went to buy a cup of drink and suddenly there was this 'PIANG' and i turned around and i saw that there was this vase that was on top of something and the two kids were lying on the ground. i didn't have my specs on so i couldn't see things clearly. so i went nearer and then after that someone else took up the vase and there was one of the kid's head and near it was the other kid's head. den soon the two mothers came in and they took up their kids and instead of crying they took up their heads and put their heads back to the body and the kids started moving again... and i got a shock and woke up. ha.

well last night i dreamt that i was just eating wanton.. fried wanton... over and over again. i just kpt eating?... and talking to my mum i guess.. i vaguely rmbed that only. haha. strange dreams.


& there i was;

2:02 AM

Saturday, March 17, 2007

yeah! at last i remember my dream. well yesterday's dream was a little weird. i dreamt that miao was in my room and then this guy suddenly came in and said, "hey! m1 is giving out a free handphone and a free car in this lucky draw... then i was like wow.. cool. den i was telling miao that she could use her 3 free outgoing call for that person. den she nodded left the room and came back with mian with these beautiful coins and said that she didn't want any of it so we could take all. so mian and i started choosing the coins. they were really different. they had like roses on it? as in imprinted. yah. haha. then i woke up and realise i was late for training. OOPS!

then today's dream... is based on naruto? or at least i know the scene was.... based on the city that naruto lives in. shit. i forgot the name of it for this instant. nvm not important. well. so i was like a subordinate there. and so i had 3 superiors. so one day there came this girl who loved to eat egg yolk and she was called, ok this will sound dumb but... 'cholestral girl'. coz she eat so much egg yolk i guess. so she came with a gang of people and they fought with my 3 superiors and she was the only one who survived and they stopped fighting after that. den.... the next day, one of my superiors went to talk to her and passed her a heart necklace!...... and yes my alarm clock woke mii up so no one will know what happen. haha.



& there i was;

5:22 PM


It's all about dreams


because i can dream




wishing and hoping





Adobe Photoshop 7.0 & Macromedia Dreamweaver 8.0

*please keep the credits as they are =) thankyou.